A.Human Rights 人权
A.1Is Human Rights policy in place?是否有人权政策?
A.2 Is there prohibition against forced labor? 是否禁止强迫性劳动?
A.3Does supplier prohibit child labor? 供应商是否禁止雇用童工?
A.4Is working hour according to the labor regulation? 工作时间是否符合当地劳动法规?
A.5Are wages and benefits according to regulation? 工资和福利是否符合当地法规?
A.6Is there prohibition of inhumane treatment? 是否禁止任何不人道的行为?
A.7Is discrimination prohibited? 是否禁止歧视行为?
A.8Is there freedom of association? 是否有结社自由?
A.9Is there a masterlist labor laws/regulations and is there a compliance evaluation? 是否有劳动法规清单并作合规性评价?B. Health and Safety健康安全
B.1Is Health and Safety policy in place? 是否有健康安全政策?
B.2 Are procedures/guidelines to potential safety hazards exist? 是否有关于安全隐患的程序或指引?
B.3Are emergency response procedures available? 是否有应急响应程序?
B.4Are emergency response drills conducted? 是否组织应急响应演练?
B.5Are there documented procedures for pandemic disceases prevention? 是否有书面的流行性疾病预防程序?
B.6 Are occupational injury and illness procedures/guidelines documented? 职业伤害和疾病程序或指引是否制定成文件?
B.7Are personal protective equipment/devices/measure provided to workers and those working in specified areas? 是否为工人和指定工作区域的人员提供个人防护用具?
B.8Are physically demanding work evaluated and controlled? 是否有评估并管控体力工作?
B.9Are there safety measures for machinery? 是否有机器安全措施?
B.10Is there procedure/guideline on sanitation and housekeeping? 是否有卫生和工作场所整理的程序或指引?
B.11Is there guideline for working on high level areas? 是否有高空作业的指引?
B.12Is access to potable water, sanitary eating area, toilets, washrooms, etc. provided? 是否提供饮用水、干净卫生的饭堂、厕所等?
B.13Are first aid kits available in workshops? 工作场所是否可获取急救用品?
B.14Is noise at the workplace monitored? 工作场所是否有监测噪音?
B.15Is there a masterlist of health and safety regulations and is there a compliance evaluation? 是否有健康安全法规清单并作合规性评估?C. Environmental 环境
C.1Is the facility certified to ISO 14001 or any EMS standard? 是否获得ISO14001认证或其它相关的环境管理体系认证?
C.2Is environmental discharge permit available? 是否获得排污证?
C.3Is there an energy conservation program? 是否有节约能源方案?
C.4Is there solid waste reduction program? 是否有减少固废方案?
C.5Is there waste recycling program? 是否有废物回用方案?
C.6Is there water consumption reduction program? 是否有节约用水方案?
C.7Is there paper reduction program? 是否有节约用纸方案?
C.8Are the environmental objectives and improvement actions monitored to meet the target? 是否有监环境目标和改善方法来达成所设的目标?
C.9Is waste water discharge monitored? 是否有监测废水排放?
C.10Is there chemical handling management? 是否有化学品管理?
C.11Is there hazard substance elimination program (RoHS, REACH, HalFree, etc.)? 是否有危险物质消除方案(如:RoHS, REACH, 无卤等)?
C.12Is boundary noise monitored?是否有监测厂界噪音?
C.13Is greenhouse gas (GHG) program in place? 是否有温室气体排放方案?
C.14Is waste air monitored and controlled/treated prior emission? 是否有监测并治理废气?
C.15Is there a masterlist of environmental regulations and is there compliance evaluation? 是否有环境法规清单?是否有作合规性评价?
C.16Is there a masterlist of customer environmental requirements and is there a compliance evaluation? 是否有客户环境要求清单?是否有作合规性评价?
C.17Is the Environmental program put into supply chain? 是否将环境管理方案推行到供应链?D. Management System 管理体系
D.1Is there a Corporate Responsibility “CR” program? 企业社会责任的方案是否有文件化?
D.2Is there a representative to ensure proper implementation of the management system and associated programs? 是否有管理代表确保管理体系和相关的方案正确地推行?
D.3Is the company registered to ISO 9001 or equivalent QMS std.? 公司是否获得ISO9001认证或其它相关的质量管理体系认证?
D.4Is risk assessment/risk mgt. on environmental, health&safety, labor & ethics available? 是否有环境、健康安全、劳动和道德的风险评估管理?
D.5Are there written yearly objectives and target? 是否有书面的年度目标指标?
D.6Is there training program on policies, procedures, objectives, legal & regulatory rqts.? 是否有关于政策、程序、目标和法律法规要求的培训方案?
D.7Are policies and other requirements deployed to employees? 政策和其它要求是否开展到职员层面?
D.8Are feed back and participation of employees covered to foster continuous improvement? 是否包含雇员的反馈和参与以达到持续改进?
D.9Are audits and assessment regularly conducted? 是否定期组织审核和评估?
D.10Is there a corrective action procedure to track actions and prevent recurrence of non-formances? 是否有纠正措施程序来跟踪并避免不符合项的再次发生?
D.11Is documentation and record keeping controlled? 文件和记录保存是否受控?
D.12Is there a tracking of Conflict Minerals? 是否有冲突矿物的跟踪方法?
D.13Are legal and customer requirements identified, listed and evaluated for compliance? 法规和客户要求是否已识别、列入清单并做合规性评价?
D.14Is Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC Code of Conduct) acknowledged? 是否已知悉电子行业行为准则?
D.15Is the EICC Code of Conduct implemented? 是否有推行电子行业行为准则?
D.16Is CR program put into supply chain? 是否将企业社会责任开展到供应链管理中?E. Ethics 道德
E.1Is there company Code of Ethics? 是否有公司道德规范准则?
E.2Is prohibition against bribery included? 是否包括禁止受贿?
E.3Does prohibition against improper profit or receipt exist? 是否禁止任何不正当的收益?
E.4Is prohibition against abuse of superiority status included? 是否禁止滥用职权?
E.5Is prohibition on improper conduct of competition included? 是否禁止任何不正当的竞争行为?
E.6Is accurate product information available? 是否有正确的产品信息?
E.7Non-disclosure of information included? 是否包含信息保密协议?
E.8Are customers property, specification, processes, etc. protected? 客户财产、产品规格说明书和工艺制程等是否受到保护?
E.9Is there product importing/exporting control? 产品输入/输出是否受控?F. Information Security 信息安全
F.1Is there prevention against breach of confidence? 是否有措施防止泄密?
F.2Is there prevention of personal information leakage? 是否有防止人员信息泄漏的措施?
F.3Is there protection against computer network threat? 是否有保护措施防止电脑网络威胁?
F.4Are documents securely kept (protected from damage, loss, etc.) ? 文件是否保存于安全的地方(免受损坏、丢失等)?G. Business Continuity Planning 业务连续性计划
G.1Is the Business Continuity Plan documented? 是否已制定了书面的业务持续计划?
G.2Is there a major suppliers masterlist with contact information and is regularly reviewed and updated? 是否有主要供应商联络清单,并定期更新?
G.3Is there a service providers masterlist with contact information and is regularly updated? 是否有主要服务承包商的联络清单,并定期更新?
G.4Is there key personnel contact masterlist and is it regularly reviewed and updated? 是否有主要人员联络清单?并定期检查更新?
G.5Is the major manufacturing equipment masterlist and is it regularly reviewed and updated? 是否有主要的生产设备清单并定期检查和更新?
G.6Is there a production software masterlist and is it regularly reviewed and updated? 是否有生产软件总清单并定期检查和更新?
G.7Is there an Emergency & Disaster Recovery team and with defined responsibility? 是否有应急灾难恢复小组并界定组员的职责?
G.8Is there an Emergency & Disaster Recovery team organization chart regularly reviewed and updated? 是否有定期检查和更新应急灾难恢复小组架构图?
G.9Is there storage back up for electronic data? 是否有电子数据的后备存储?
G.10Is the electronic data storage kept in another location? 是否有备份电子数据于另一地方?
G.11Is there an alternative manufacturing site in case disaster happen in the main manufactruing site? 万一灾难发生在主要生产厂房是否有另一间生产厂房做后备?