• 地址:宁波市鄞州区红星澳洋商业广场
  • 电话:13116620807
  • 网址:www.gtzxcc.com
  • 邮箱:liuqin.435126@163.com
  • 投诉建议电话:18858027510
  • 电话:0574-88388081


时间:2014-06-09 13:49 来源: 作者: 点击:
1.Minimum wage and overtime violati*****
2.Excessive or illegal deducti*****Hiring deposits
3.Mandated benefits not provided i.e. social
4.security, maternity leave, annual leave, etc.
5.Non-payment of wages over one month
6.Missing payroll records
7.Manipulated payroll records
8.Missing employees on payroll
9.Lack of 7th day of rest on a regular basis
10.Excessive hours - regular or overtime Average
11.Legal work hours restricti***** (children, women) exceeded
12.Off-clock work
13.Fraudulent time records
14.Missing time records
15.None or Missing employee age documents
16.Insufficient docs for apprentice programs  
17.Child labor not abiding by country or client age restricti*****
18.Non-compliance with youth regulati***** (work hours, tasks)  
19.Falsified employee identification  
20.Restricted liberties on the work floorRestricted
21.Original documents retained by facility without employee permission
22.Confirmed mandatory overtime
23.Physical or verbal abuse
24.Confirmed wage Discrimination
25.Unlawful/excessive disciplinary deducti*****
26.Denied/Restricted freedom of association
27.Security checks involving removal of clothing
28.Home workers w/no records, no monitoringHome
29.Intentional nondisclosure of sub contractors
30.Missing legally required labor contra*****
31.Misclassification of employees, resulting in lack of overtime or other benefits
32.Any part of the inspection denied or refused visas, quota or environmental permits
33.Incorrect country of origin paperwork/labels

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